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Stitch Cutters

Stitch Cutter Sterile Stainless Steel Blade Swann Morton Product No 0326

Convenient and cost effective our range of sterile stitch cutters are ideal for use in 'Out Patient clinics', within 'Accident and Emergency departments', on ' Hospital Wards', in 'General Practice' and for 'Nursing in the Community'. The Stainless Steel No.3 fitment or 'baby' Stitch Cutter is used in conjunction with our No.3 Surgical Handle. It allows for a more aseptic techinique by operating further away from the actual wound which also permits better visibility. Fitment No.3. Fits Handles 3 Graduated, 3L, 5B, 7, 9, B3 and B3L

Stitch Cutter Standard Sterile Carbon Steel Blade Swann Morton Product No 0420

Carbon Steel Sterile Surgical Stitch Cutter Blades, 100 single peel packs in metal foil VPI protected

Stitch Cutter Midi Sterile Carbon Steel Blade Swann Morton Product No 0422

Stainless Steel "Midi" Sterile Surgical Stitch Cutter Blades, 100 single peel packs in metal foil VPI protected

Stitch Cutter Long Sterile Carbon Steel Blade Swann Morton Product No 0421

Stainless Steel "Long" Sterile Surgical Stitch Cutter Blades, 100 single peel packs in metal foil VPI protected

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